The Fallacy of “You Can’t Have It All”


“Price, quality or service. Pick two.”

Successful Heights


You may have heard of this old adage known as “The Triple Constraint.”

Project Manager describes “The Triple Constraint” in business as a model of the constraints inherent in managing a project. Basically, this represents the idea that “you can’t have it all” and you must choose which areas to prioritize in order for maximum success.

Those constraints are:

1) Cost: The financial constraints of a project, also known as the project budget

2) Scope: The tasks required to fulfill the project’s goals

3) Time: The schedule for the project to reach completion


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In business, the goal is to provide a top-notch experience for your employees and customers but the constraints that arise in business management can sometimes be overwhelming. After all, today’s customers not only desire high quality services and products, they demand them.

Do you have to let some things slide in order to maintain a highly functioning company?

The answer is absolutely not! “Sweating the small stuff” is what separates good from great.

Though the Constraint method can be helpful during the early stages of project development for analyzing risks and possible optimizations, it tends to turn the solution to every problem into a request for more money or time (or, in some cases, both!).

Instead, turn your mind to successful time management.

Successful time management will create structure for your company to thrive within and will allow your company to provide customers with great prices, superb quality and excellent service.

Don’t feel restricted to work within constraints developed decades ago. Create a solid structure, engage your employees, and watch your company take flight.

If you are having a challenging time breaking free from old business model limitations, a solid line of communication will help. At XBLUE, we value the importance of communication and provide a superb product for small to medium sized companies to strengthen lines of communication. We even provide locally-staffed specialists ready to assist whenever you need!

Give us a call. We’d love to help you take your business to the next level.

XBLUE designs and delivers office phone systems for businesses with 3 to over 300 employees. Our U.S. based product support team is available to help you design the perfect phone system for your business needs. For more information, visit or give us a call at 866-925-8312 to speak with an XBLUE Business Communications Specialist.